Top Best Country to Study Abroad | Read More

 Top Best Country to Study Abroad | Read More

Now then as you are aware, with your grades there is an opportunity to do one year, of your university course abroad, tremendous opportunity to shape both your, education and your future, have you given any consideration to, where you might like to go?


Thanks Professor, first of all I'd like to rule out England, really there are many fine and well-respected, educational institutions? Yeah, but it's too close to my parents.

I'm afraid they might visit, alright well what about New Zealand then? Nah too far from my parents I'll miss them, The United States? Harvard, Yale? Nah I don't think that'll work; the drinking age is 21 there.

 If you're looking for a good degree, what about Denmark?, Really because I'm getting 40 degrees, for Majorca here, There is Germany although it could be, quite long hours you might have to be prepared, for a few all-nighters, Oh yeah I heard the nightclubs don't close there, Now France eh?, Liberté, egalité , fraternité eh?, Yeah I'll join some fraternities for sure, Yeah now Switzerland is ranked fourth for education, Yeah doesn't it have like the world's most expensive, Big Mac though?, Yes but it does have the Toblerone, Mcflurry,

If money is a consideration Thailand is quite affordable, Oh yeah I could go out every night there, Or Africa what about Nigeria, has a very fine academic standing, Yes I've heard they've good Guinness, and Togo, Toga parties are a plus, Where were you thinking of?, Sweden is quite attractive, Yeah, some very attractive models, mod modules, modules, Now Australia has some very good programs, Yeah I could watch a bit of Home and Away, And in South America there's a city in Bolivia, a wonderful university it has.


 Although the exams are, quite difficult, La Paz? Probably around,40%, Have you considered Luxembourg?

I don't know anything about Luxembourg, nobody does that’s, why it's so intriguing, Now look of course you don't have to do a year of, study abroad you could of course stay here, in Ireland?


You know? I'm joking, I'm absolutely joking, you almost had me there, we’ll get you out of here, that’s a terrible idea, don’t you worry about that, Doomdah, 

Hello we're Foil Arms and Hog we have a new video, every single Thursday, Yes and if you want to make sure you don't miss any, of them and just to show us a bit of appreciation, please share to the post, on social media. we would really like that, yes, I love the dickie-bow, hey this is a fake university, Doomdah

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